Friday, August 2, 2013

     Honestly, I do not like to bring up racial issues, even though I know they exist, but I would rather like to tackle a different aspect to the issue that my fellow classmate whose blog is called, Texas Politics of "Todayand Tomorrow" had brought to my attention and maybe to many others, without discussing the issue of race. What I do want to bring to other people’s attention is that lives are taken away every day and being taken away at gunpoint while the other is unarmed is not right. I want to acknowledge the fact that things happen and when they do, they should be punished accordingly and fairly. One thing my classmate’s blog had discussed was a young teenaged boy named Marley Lions. He had expressed that Marley Lions was killed, just like Treyvon Martin, but was given no media attention or coverage, like his supposed somewhat same case counterpart, Martin. These teenagers are alike because they were both the same age and were gunned down, while being unarmed. Unlike Lions, whom again, I had never heard of before my classmate had mentioned him, had died at the hands of a grown man, but had no media coverage. I wanted to point out my opinion; my opinion is that I hope that Lions receives the justice he deserves, because at the end of the day, he was a young man with so much to live for. And, just like Martin, I believe he had a life to live, many may disagree but as the saying goes by Oscar Wilde, “every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”  Although, my classmate has a different outlook on the verdict of the Treyvon Martin case than I do, I hope that with Marley Lions’ case, his case and family will receive the justice that it deserves.  Because things like this should never happen to any child whether it receives the wrong or right kind of media attention or not.
     Overall, I loved my classmate’s blog, it was very informative and I loved the fact they questioned why Martin had so much media coverage and the other victim did not. I believe the reason for this is to stir up things in our society, and stirring up things, it did. On a lighter and happier note, I also believe this case brought a lot more people being aware of our political system and even more wanting to get involved with the political system trying to understand our laws, such as the stand your ground law, and many others, in the hopes that situations like these do not happen again!



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